Over 70 education and business partners gathered for the launch of Somerset Education Business Partnership on 24 October. The Partnership connects education providers with businesses, to raise young people’s awareness of the opportunities in Somerset and to help prepare them for the workplace.
Somerset Chamber CEO, Stephen Henagulph set out the importance of this work for the Somerset economy, stating ‘securing the skills to grow and prosper is a challenge that all the businesses I speak to face. The positive response from Chamber members to the Education Business Partnership shows that employers want to play their part in solving the challenge.’
The partnership team guided delegates through the service they provide, including guidance on hosting young people in the workplace, which you can find at www.somerset-ebp.co.uk/employers . Delegates enjoyed a series of case studies highlighting local good practice, such as the Somerset Talent Academies which offer students interested in specific industry sectors visits to 8 relevant employers to gain real insight into the roles available and skills needed. The academies span sectors as diverse as aerospace and teaching, manufacturing, digital, health care and construction. If you would like to host a visit or engage in any other way simply email support@somerset-ebp.co.uk
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