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Fine dining and networking at Weston College

Students from Weston College showcased their catering skills when they hosted a dinner for 50 local business people at an event organised by the college and Somerset Chamber of Commerce on March 7.

The evening was held at the college’s Knightstone Campus and gave businesses from a variety of sectors the opportunity to make new contacts and meet old acquaintances.
Stephen Henagulph, the Chief Executive of Somerset Chamber of Commerce welcomed guests before Dave Crew, the Head of Employer Partnership at Weston College, spoke about the importance of developing business partnerships.

After dinner, guests heard from Sue Shillabeer, President of Weston Chamber of Commerce, who gave an update on the work of the local chamber of commerce and its ongoing initiatives.

Mr Henagulph concluded the evening with a round-up of news from the Somerset Chamber of Commerce and a thank you to the college students for their impressive catering skills.

“It was a fantastic evening and enabled our guests to raise the profile of their businesses and learn about others in the area, as well as building valuable new business relationships,” said Mr Henagulph.

He added: “Full credit to Weston College’s hospitality students, too, who gave us a great fine dining experience.”

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