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Entries open next month for the Somerset Business Awards 2021

Entries will open on September 1 for the county’s biggest and most prestigious annual business awards – the Somerset Business Awards organised by Somerset Chamber of Commerce – to give businesses the chance to celebrate their achievements in what has been a particularly challenging year.

Although later than usual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual awards are returning with new categories and a gala black-tie awards ceremony scheduled for March next year.

The awards are free to enter and businesses do not need to be a member of the Chamber to take part. Once again, leading accountancy firm Albert Goodman will be the main sponsor.

The awards, which are now in their 16th year, recognise and celebrate the very best of Somerset’s wide range of businesses across all sectors and are the only county-wide business awards in the county.

New awards this year include an Environmental Award to recognise an individual or organisation’s positive environmental impact and a, hopefully, one-off award for an Outstanding Business Response to COVID-19, from supporting key workers to diversification to protect the business and jobs.

Stephen Henagulph, Chief Executive of Somerset Chamber thanked awards sponsors for their support: “I am grateful for the sponsorship of so many of Somerset’s leading businesses who, like me, are keen to celebrate everything that is great in the county, especially when so many have companies have faced extremely difficult trading times.

“The Somerset Business Awards covers all business sectors across a wide range of categories and I would encourage all local businesses to enter the awards to share their own success stories and celebrate their achievements.”

Sponsors already confirmed for the 2021 awards include Albert Goodman, TDA, Brook Financial, PKF Francis Clark, Porter Dodson, EDF, CETSAT, Garador, Gravity, Clarke Willmott, Elite Staffing Solutions, Teapot Creative and Clarks International.

Michael Cahill, of main sponsor, Albert Goodman, said: “The Somerset business community has really pulled together in these extremely difficult times and recognising that is so important. We are delighted to continue our long-standing sponsorship of the Somerset Business Awards and hope that lots of business will enter to celebrate their success.”

While entries open on September 1, the awards ceremony will take place on March 26, 2021, at the Winter Gardens Pavilion, in Weston-super-Mare, making these the Somerset Business Awards 2021.

More information about the awards is available on the website, while updates will also be posted on the official awards Twitter account @SomBizAwards.

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